- A lucrative business opportunity for up to 3 investors
- An efficient way to fund small business
- A crowdfunding platform like no other
Our story
Management is a seasoned group of finance professionals each of whom has been helping to fund new and small businesses for decades. We see this as an opportunity fund those businesses using a new and fast growing marketplace, investment crowdfunding and to be well paid for our efforts.
The Problem
Hundreds of thousands of small businesses are actively looking for expansion capital every year. Most of these small businesses will get their funding from a bank and on the bank’s terms.
That often means personal guarantees and property liens. It always means a payment of principal and interest every month, like clockwork. No one would describe the terms or the process as being flexible.
Not every small business is acceptable to the banks’ standards. Businesses owned by women, minorities and first generation Americans also have difficulty getting funds to expand their businesses. Expanding a small business is risky and banks hate risks.
The Solution
The SEC has provided a new simple type of crowdfunding specifically intended to help fund small business. Regulation CF allows smaller businesses to sell small amounts of debt or equity to small investors.
Advantaged Ventures LLC will create, register and operate an investment crowdfunding platform pursuant to SEC Reg. CF and compliant with FINRA’s rules for funding portals, under the name of Emerginggrowthfunding.com.
Working as a team we will help these small businesses structure a debt or equity offering on much better terms; terms that will protect the business owners’ personal assets; terms that will improve their cash flow, fuel their growth and increase their bottom line; terms that will make their offering attractive to investors.
We will then work with each of these small offerings to help them find the investors that they need, investors who are willing to take additional risk with a small amount of money to get a higher reward.
We have already contacted a network of professional business and loan brokers who want one more item in their financing bag of tricks because a standard bank loan is not always the best route for a company to take. Several have suggested that they could keep our pipeline full all by themselves. Companies that offer and sell franchises want us to list and help provide funding for their new franchisees. We expect to develop multiple sources that can refer multiple offerings to keep our pipeline truly full.
We are seeking up to $150,000 from up to 3 investors who will look at our projections and like what they see. We intend to use these funds almost exclusively for marketing to make certain that when we begin to list offerings for these companies on our platform, enough investors will show up to fund those offerings.
We expect within a year to return the funds we are raising for ourselves to these investors and also provide them with a substantial income stream for many years with no capital at risk.
You can download a term sheet here.
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